Monday, December 18, 2006

Reise, reise...

Whew, back from camping! After last years 'couples trip from hell', this time was surprisingly tame. The only debaucherous occurrence was some skinny-dipping and general nakedness, but only once and only in the deep darkness of the African bush (well, maybe a few torches). No serious sunburns, no huge arguments (except the food issue, but that was before we left), no strangers making out (tho Frase and I were keeping an eye out), no insane drunkenness, no special herbs... In fact, the only uncouth element was the heinous state of our camping spot, which I blame entirely on other people. :P

Beaverlac is a beautiful place to camp, and really close to town, as these things go. Except, the roads are awful at some points (many complaints were heard) so it takes a while to get there. The camping spot was nice, with enough shade to go round and a little shop that sold booze and wood and other edibles. The scenery was great when it wasn't too hot out, and the swimming lakes were awesome. It was a special treat to sit out on the rocks in the near-pitch darkness and watch the stars twinkle overhead (when people weren't shining torches in your face...). In all a fun trip with nothing eventful at all happening. Maybe a good thing?


Oliver said...

It was an awesome trip! Just what i think we all needed :)

We have to do this kind of thing more often... waaay more often.

Only next time we have to make another plan with the food (sorry Thands). Wasting over R100 on meat is just not cool :P

Unknown said...

Again, no mention of me... :(
The next time we should consider going to the sea to see what there is to surf... :)