Monday, December 04, 2006

"Do I look like I give a s#!+?"

This blog is going to be all about the things I love doing and what I think about them. I really like to watch movies. I also really like having an opinion. So, I figured, I'll cash into some startup blog-traffic by going mainstream and writing a review about everyone's favourite action romp of the moment, Casino Royale.

First of all, it's almost unanimous that Mr Craig is the best Bond since - well, since the novels were written. No more gentleman here. Bond becomes the true and proper one-lining, face-into-sink-smashing, cold-hearted thug he's meant to be. That's not to say there's no suave womanising (though he could have been more subtle, and according to some there wasn't enough nudity) or martini-drinking (for the twist, see the post title). But he becomes one mean b@stard.

That's not the only thing that distinguishes this movie from the Bond formula. Plenty of buildings collapse and villains drop like flies, de rigeur. Spotted some tuxedos, but there were no obvious gadgets and the suave accent sounded like it came from the London 'burbs. The lead woman had a smidgeon of character, even. It seems like someone finally caught a clue and broke the mold, leading to the first truly enjoyable Bond-film in many years. It's fast-paced, obviously, but with a few too many (and too long!) dramatic chase scenes. The locations are stunning! The main villain is despicably heinous, but has a rather corny defect that makes him cry blood (I thought it was a little silly). Fun moments include the beginning and end scenes, and watching the male half of the audience flinch and shift around when Bond's privates encounter some rather harsh treatment.

It's a well-made movie with a straightforward story, fun action scenes and the regulation twist or two, rich and beautiful people, and clever dialogue (which falls horribly flat at points). It feels like you've seen all this before (apparently it stole the defibrillator thing from MI3) but in a good, comforting and entertaining way. Doesn't make for brainy or deep viewing, but it is still a Bond movie at heart after all. In all, worth seeing.

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