Sunday, February 04, 2007

Another week bites the dust

Wow, so much for posting every day. Being an orientation leader really takes it out of you (it being any real desire for proactivity and engagement with the world) , but it's alot of fun and at the end of the day I'll get a nice fat lump sum in my account, a nice fat block on my CV and the satisfaction of another bunch of impressionable kids idolising me. So, a normal month. ;)

Actually got to role-play this afternoon, and had a very wild and wacky session, with people getting shot in the back and held to ransom, amongst other adventures. One player was mostly asleep (no names mentioned), one was lacking a voice and two argued intently about the pros and cons of swearing oaths. Aside for that, some actual gaming also happened. A character died a noble death, and another was suspected of being an evil henchman - come on, the only reason was his glowing black eyes! Discrimination, I say! A large scuffle ensued at one point, when a thoroughly insulted lord asked his soldiers to remove the characters, by force if necessary. And - of course - force was necessary. But Farador, Hallas, Deorgar and Idrael (AKA Fifi) emerged largely unscathed and successful. But the mystery is starting to deepen (mwahaha) and soon it's going to get messy.

Oh, and I don't recommend Blood Diamond to casual movie-goers, small kids, mall-rats, pregnant women or anyone who likes their evening naps. It's very horrible and stark and excellently portrayed, but I'd be hard-pressed to call it enjoyable. Maybe poignant is a better word. Leo diCap makes a good attempt at saying 'lekker' and 'ya' a lot, and Djimon Hounsou - yet again - plays the role of the lead African (his ethnicity never seems to be a barrier) but he's great to watch so no complaints. And it's always fun to see CT on screen. Think twice about this being a first date flick though.